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Although burnout and depression share similar symptoms, including lack of energy, low mood, and self-doubt, they are different conditions. 

Burnout is the final stage of a long period of stress and tension, resulting in both physical and mental exhaustion. You literally feel burnt out. You may, for instance, find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning, you’re struggling to keep up with your studies, have trouble sleeping, or you have physical symptoms, such as a stomach ache or a headache. Mirro helps recognise and prevent burnout or the early stages of it. You can, for example, take a test on their website to find out if you’re experiencing work-related stress or the onset of burnout.

Work-related stress isn’t the only cause of burnout. It can also be brought on by events like bereavement or tension in your personal life. Very often, burnout is caused by an overwhelming combination of these two factors. If you have symptoms of burnout, you can see your GP. Usually, a mental health practice nurse (POH-GGZ) or your GP will support you in your recovery. This treatment is covered by basic health insurance.

In some cases, it may be necessary to refer you to a psychologist for the right treatment. In general, this isn’t reimbursed by basic health insurance. You can find out which treatments are covered by basic or additional health insurance on this website (in Dutch).


  • Mental and/or physical exhaustion
  • Having trouble getting out of bed
  • Poor academic performance
  • Sleep problems
  • Stomach ache
  • Headache